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Foretrust Building Texton Properties



Pragma group

Shoprite Checkers replacement, upgrade repairs and maintenance


"Elevate Connections en ek werk al die afgelope 5 jaar saam en ek sal hulle aanbeveel vir enige iemand wat in die "lifts and escalator" bedryf is en 'n diensverskaffer soek.  Hulle is myle bo ander diensverskaffers wat daar buite is.  Mens werk direk met Brendon of bestuurders en dinge word vinnig uitgesorteer.  Die afgelope 5 jaar het hulle baie van my probleme opgelos.  Baie kopsere wat ek gehad het met vorige diensverskaffers is uitgestryk sodat dinge opgelos is dinge beter werk.  Ek sal hulle definitief aanbeveel.  Hulle diens is goed.  Hulle reaksietyd is goed en ons het 'n goeie verhouding."

-  FD Jooste 

Foretrust building:  Major maintenance and repairs of 7 lifts


"I'm thanking you for the awesome service, the professionalism of your team, the way they came into our building and took charge and sort everything out from A to Z.  We have not had any issues with our lifts for quite a while now.  The tenants are happy and that obviously make us very happy.  We are looking forward to a working relationship going far into the future.

Thank you again and keep up the good work."


 - Theuns Hanekom

Foretrust Building Texton Properties

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